Author Guidelines

The following are instructions for writing a paper in the Journal of Human And Education (JAHE) published by the  Universitas Of Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai.  The authors are fully responsible for the contents of the manuscripts written and the manuscripts are writings that have never been published [1]. The reference list is made sequentially starting from 1, 2, 3 and so on.

  • Paper Title

This is your opportunity to attract the readers attention. Remember that readers are the potential authors who will cite your article. Identify the main issue of the paper. Begin with the subject of the paper. The title should be accurate, unambiguous, specific, and complete. Do not contain infrequently-used abbreviations.

The title of the paper should be in 14 pt font Cambria and be lefted. The title should have 0 pts space above and 0 pts below.

  • Authors Name and Affiliations

Write Author(s) names without a title and professional positions such as Prof, Dr, Production Manager, etc. Do not abbreviate your last/family name. Always give your First and Last names. Write clear affiliation of all Authors. Affiliation includes a name of department/unit, a name of university, address, country. Please indicate Corresponding Author (include email address) by adding an email symbol in superscript behind the name.

Author names should be in 12 pt Cambria with 0 pts above and 0 pts below. Author addresses are superscripted by numerals and centered over both columns of manuscripts. Author affiliations University name / institution / research study / company should be in 11 pt Cambria. The body of the text should commence single lines (24 points) below the last address.

Present/permanent address. If an author has moved since the work described in the article was done, or was visiting at the time, a 'Present address' (or 'Permanent address') may be indicated as a footnote to that author's name. The address at which the author did the work must be retained as the main, affiliation address.start by adding an email symbol and then email, font Book Antiqua 11pt.

  • Abstract

All contributing authors names should be added, and their names arranged in the correct order for publication. A correct email address should be supplied only by the corresponding author. The full name of each author must be present in the exact format they should appear for publication, including or exclude any middle names or initials as required. The affiliation of each contributing author should be correct on their individual author name.

The criteria of authorship are as follows; Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; Final approval of the version to be published; Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the we equation and put the number of the equation flush-right, using a Right Tab on the right margin. Please reference equations in the text by writing: Eqn. .. (do not use Equation ..) In principle, variables are to be presented in italics.

  • Figures and Tables

Figures and tables should be originals or sharp prints. Please use the SI set of units as much as possible. Figures and tables should be centered and placed either at the top or at the bottom of the page. Please do not render tables as pictures and please do not use too small font sizes in the illustrations. Please use the following fonts in your illustrations: Cambria, Symbol, or use fonts that look similar.

If your figures and tables are created in a Microsoft Office application (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) then please supply 'as is' in the native format, too. Regardless of the application used other than Microsoft Office, when your electronic artwork is finalized, please 'Save as' or convert the images to one of the following formats (note the resolution requirements for line drawings, halftones, and line/halftone combinations given below):

  • EPS (or PDF): Vector drawings, embed all used fonts.
  • TIFF (or JPEG): Color or grayscale photographs (halftones), keep to a minimum of 300 dpi.
  • TIFF (or JPEG): Bitmapped (pure black & white pixels) line drawings, keep to a minimum of 1000 dpi.
  • TIFF (or JPEG): Combinations bitmapped line/half-tone (color or grayscale), keep to a minimum of 500 dpi.

Set table number and title flush left above table. Horizontal lines should be placed above and below table headings and at the bottom of the table. Vertical lines should be avoided. The title should use Book Antiqua 11, with 0 pt before and 6 pt after the paragraph, left-justified at the top of the table. Tables have to be included in the text. If a table is too long to fit one page, the table number and heading should be repeated on the next page before the table is continued. Alternatively the table may be spread over two consecutive pages (first an even numbered, then an odd-numbered page) turned by 90, without repeating the heading.

  • Figure captions

Fig. 1 Captions should be placed below each illustration, font Cambria, 11 pts. Figures and figure captions should be placed center; two narrow figures may be placed side-by-side. Please reference figures in the text by writing: Fig. .. (do not use Figure ..).

  • Concerning references

In order to give our readers a sense of continuity, we encourage you to identify Journal Of Human And Education (JAHE)  articles of similar research in your papers. using American Psychiatric Association (APA), you can find it using Mendeley or other reference manager program or using citation machine on the internet, such as

References must be listed at the end of the paper. Do not begin them on a new page unless this is absolutely necessary. Authors should ensure that every reference in the text appears in the list of references and vice versa.

Some examples of how your references should be listed are given at the end of this template in the References section, which will allow you to assemble your reference list according to the correct format and font size. When you are referencing conference proceedings, page numbers should be provided. If proceedings are not available, the lecture identification e.g. lecture number should be provided instead. When you are referencing websites, an author or authoring institution should be provided. The date of the last access should be provided as well.


[References at least 15 articles (required with DOI article) and must used manager Reference (mendeley, etc.) with APA 7th Style]

Aunio, P., & Niemivirta, M. (2010). Predicting children s mathematical performance in grade one by early numeracy. Learning and Individual Differences, 20(5), 427435.

Fakhrudin, A. . (2010). Sukses Menjadi Guru TK/PAUD. Bening.